Monday, September 06, 2010


I've become an unreliable blogger. It's been a month since my last post. And...nothing new really. But more donations going out the door. This is a good thing!

Here's what I've done:

two car loads to the Goodwill
recycled a box of old school papers
cleared out two bags of my clothes that I don't like (will go to Goodwill soon)
reorganized the pantry and added a few kitchen things to the donation bag

If you're reading this, consider doing a Flylady 27 fling boogie--find 27 things to toss, donate or recycle.

Friday, August 06, 2010


I've been seeing a lot of movies lately. It costs a lot to take just me and the kids to a matinee, let alone all four of us. It costs more in fact than to buy the DVD when it comes out. When I realized that, I understood instantly why so many people buy DVDs--it's cheaper than going to the movies.

But I love seeing a movie in the theater. I have favorite seats. There's the magic of the previews and the tension that builds as the lights go down. That's worth a lot.

So I'll stick with my pattern of seeing the big movies in the theater and getting most of the others from the library. I'd rather pay to see a movie in the theater than wait and buy it and see it only on the small screen.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Not much to report

Really, nothing too exciting on the clutter front here. I did drop off several bags of donations at the Goodwill and have plans to tackle the immense pile of shredding that has been accumulating. My shredder is broken, so it's either get a new one or use a service. I have about a bankers box worth. Or, there's the more meditative approach: put on a movie and methodically rip or cut out the identifying info I don't want to share.

I've been letting magazine subscriptions lapse and find I miss only a few. If I buy more than one issue at the newstand, that usually means it's time to re-subscribe.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Bag o' Cords

This afternoon, I strong-armed Sweetie into going through a couple of the drawers in our workbench. They're huge and full of miscellaneous junk. We filled a grocery bag with unneeded cords and connectors and now the drawers are tidy. If you need an adapter or extension cord or flashlight, you can easily find one.


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Just took a pick-up truck load of donations to the local Goodwill. Yay me! Garage has more space. Still needs some rearranging, but that'll wait until another day.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time for a clothing purge

It's spring so they say and time for a seasonal clothing purge. In the next few days, I'm going to go through my bureau and closet and pull out anything wintery I didn't wear this winter. Some I'll keep, others will go to the Goodwill.

I'll do it in 15 minute or one drawer bursts, so as not to get overwhelmed.

It will be fun!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Still there is too much

I haven't been doing much dedicated decluttering lately. I've taken on some new responsibilities and haven't had as much time to focus on it (yes, I know, 15 minutes at a time!).

Still, there have been donation deliveries to Goodwill. I've donated a few things to the local school auction. I've avoided new purchases.

So, essentially, not much to report.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Welcome MMX!

It's a new year, full of fresh promise and possibilities.

A friend of mine recently shared his "list" with me. Similar to resolutions, but less loaded, don't you think? His list was very specific, with clear outcomes and definate goals. Not too long, ambitious enough to make him reach but not so much that he'd give up a week in.

My goals this year include: explore what a basement remodel could look like in terms of design, cost and what I could do on my own without a contractor. I want to declutter more (when don't I?), but I have some specific goals. I'd like to reduce the amount of stored "back-up" items that I have. There are items I have saved that I do not need to keep. Those must go out the door.