Friday, September 11, 2009

Why I love the Goodwill

I can get a pair of sporty capris, a SIGG water bottle, a pair of men's slacks, a lambswool sweater, a sports bra (new!) and a pair of Gap jeans all for $20. That's less than just the sports bra, even at Target.


because they'll take all the clothes that are no longer my style (but likely someone else's), the books I've read and no longer need to keep, and the dishes that look just fine but don't fit my cupboards.


Jay Bazuzi said...

They never have clothes that fit me, especially not sports bras. :-(

BTW, SIGG is going through some hassle right now because some of their bottles contain BPA and they didn't tell anyone. They are doing exchanges, but you have to pay for shipping.

Lucy said...

Great deals!!