Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cupboard clutter

Our basement has a lot of built-in storage cupboards. There are six in the laundry room alone. I decided to tackle two of those, and I managed to cull a large laundry basket full of items I don't use now, never did use, or won't use in the future. I've found homes for a couple of the items; the others will go out to the street with a "Free" sign or perhaps Freecyle. I'm a little down on Freecycle just now, as it took a long time to dispose of the last item I offered.

I don't have a before shot of the cupboards but here's an after and below is the laundry basket-O-junk.

1 comment:

small town city girl said...

I wish you lived by me...I could use almost everything in your "junk" basket. :)