Friday, July 14, 2006

Feng Shui

I believe in feng shui. It resonates, it makes sense (yes, some aspects are a little kooky, and some really only apply if you are actually Chinese and living in China, Taiwan or Hong Kong...Maylasia...etc.)

My current favourite feng shui book also deals with clutter.

This book is short and to the point: clutter can harm your life energy, ruin relationships and career and shorten your life. How's that for nasty? Karen Kington's clear explanations and matter of fact writing style make one want to drop the book and start filling boxes to get out the door.

I've read this book twice. I now own my own copy. Perhaps I'm ready to start following her suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is also my favorite clutter book. I've read it twice also, but thumbing through it just now I realized I need to read it again. Some of the things I think are key is the section on WHY we keep clutter, the questions you need to ask of your clutter, do you love it? do you use it?, and the part where she talks about negatgive energy/associations. These things have helped me a lot in the past to let go of my stuff. One good example is a set of pictures that a friend had given me. I loved the pictures, had them hanging in my house. But when our friendship ended in a rather harsh way it changed. Every time I walked past them I felt bad, so I finally took them down and took them to Goodwill.