Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Very Special Post: The Wood Stove

Back in 1996 or so, when we bought our house, we had the wood stove insert that was in the fireplace removed. Where did we have it removed to, you may ask? The garage. Why? Because we 'might want it someday'. Yup, really. So, there it sat, for ten years. We made a couple of attempts to sell it (no luck) or give it away (again, no luck). Finally, with this burst of cleaning energy that arrived, it made sense for the wood stove to finally go. The problem? Where to take it. A few moments of thought, and I remembered a place that recycles metal. One quick phone call later, and the wood stove had a new home, provided we deliver it there.

And here's the story. Our driveway is sloped toward the garage. The wood stove was in the far rear of the garage. While I was tackling bookshelves inside and herding the small children, my sweet, ingenious husband decided to tackle the woodstove. First, he somehow moved it onto a dolly. Then, again, SOMEHOW, he hauled it up to the sidewalk, where the slope begins. Then, he put his truck into place at the bottom of the slope and constructed a ramp. My job was supposed to be to drive my car and use it as a brake to keep the dolly'ed wood stove from soaring down the hill. Luckily, the hauling attachment wouldn't fit on my car, and even more luckily, a friend dropped by at just the right time that he got to be the lucky driver. I documented the scene for you, you lucky dogs!

The stove at the top of the driveway slope:

The stove at the base of the ramp:

Now, it's actually on the ramp:

Moving along:

Into the truck:

In the truck!


Anonymous said...

Awww, shucks. That's awful sweet of you, honey.

Actually, this is the sort of challenge I love. The trick: Use those ancient machines; the ones you learned about in middle school. Stuff the ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians were familiar with: Levers, ramps, wheels, hundreds of horses all lashed under the hood of your automobile...that kinda simple stuff. Then just keep your fingers and toes away from the moving parts, and you're good to go.

It took me about an hour to lift the stove six inches in order to get the dolly under it: Lever, put a block under that corner, move to another corner, lever again, put a slightly higher block under there, move again, repeat some more. After that, everything went pretty smoothly; I used the truck and a chain to tow the dolly up the driveway, then left it there and drove down again and set up the ramp you see in the pictures. Didn't trust the 2x4s under the plywood not to break with the load on, so I added a trestle bent in the middle. Seemed to work pretty well.

Anonymous said...

And I was happy to help.

It was actually kind of fun.