Well, here are some updated photos. Lots has happened since I began this project last Wednesday, but it feels like it's going slow as molasses. Thus far I/we have: removed appliances (including 40" stove, dishwasher, fridge), attempted to strip paint off several areas (windows, decorative door frame, part of a door frame, drawers). Paint stripping sucks, it really does. And they lie to you on the packaging--I've had to put three coats of stripper on most of the surfaces so far (scraping in between of course). I guess there's about 5 layers of paint on the surfaces.
Anyway, by today, I still have to finish most of the stripping. I've been working 8-9 hour days, everyday, and am exhausted. I have to take a hot bath every night so my back doesn't ache the next day. I am trying to hold the vision of the finished kitchen in my mind's eye, but it sure gets tough when I'm squatting over the kitchen sink scraping at the intricacies of the wooden window frames.
I've been listening to the audio commentaries for films I am very familiar with. It's good entertainment, and because I know the films so well, there's no need to watch to enjoy them. Yesterday, I scraped through the entire two-disc version of Fellowship of the Ring, listening to the director/writers commentary. The day before was North by Northwest, before that, Ocean's Eleven. Today will be the Two Towers, again with director and writers.
Do yourself a favor, buy a heatgun. Much easier work, much less expensive in the long run and much less dangerous - and you'll always have it around when you want to do this again. I know, you think you never will but.....
You'll be glad you did.
I admire your blog, I've been following now for awhile but never commented. Thanks! you inspire me
You are so right, paint stripping is bad!
Seconded on the heat gun. Just watch it round the window, you can very easily crack the glass. Try a metal painting shield to keep the hot air off the glass.
Excellent! I asked K- the other day if the kitchen was scary-taken-apart and she kind of giggled :P A friend of mine did paint stripping with a heat gun once and it still about killed her. And this was on just a studio apartment!
I've been listening to the audio commentaries for films I am very familiar with. It's good entertainment, and because I know the films so well, there's no need to watch to enjoy them.
Yes! I do this too whenever I have a project or when I need to exercise but it sounds truly onerous. Well done commentaries are one of my favorite things. Joss Whedon's commentary for Serenity is great (as are all his Firefly episode commentaries). I just listened to the director's commentary for The Bourne Ultimatum the other day while exercising and cleaning the house :D The LOTR commentaries are all fab aren't they? - I must replace my extended edition, I miss them. Ron Moore's pod casts for BSG are consistently excellent and the round table discussion with half the main cast last year was absolutely riveting. What a sharp funny bunch!
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