Saturday, August 19, 2006

Putzing Around

Today, I haven't worked on a big project so far. A box here, a box there.

  • Cleared out a 'stash & dash' from a couple of years ago. Most is recycling, a few items into donate, some trash, some to file.

  • Made the mistake of actually looking into a box with old letters. That's a time and mental energy drain. Don't do it.

  • Rearranged boxes in basement storage cupboards so that my old junk is in one spot, and Husband's in another so he can easily see what's his when he goes to sort it out.

  • Sorted through a laundry basket full of stuff (from the floor of the upstairs linen closet). Most ended up in donate, some things found new, better homes.

  • Next up, trip to the library to return books and donate a box full for the library book sale.

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